Wednesday, March 31, 2010

क्यों ?


क्यों ?
क्यों कबूतर की सफेदी
क्यों सहिष्णुता के मोती
क्यों गगन का नीलापन ये
क्यों अमन के ये साथी
और प्यार के वे पाती
धुंधलके में खो रहे हैं ?

प्यार के दिलबाग नगमे
कल के वे रंगीन सपने
वे दिल-अजीज़ अपने
पराये क्यों हो रहे हैं?

सांप्रदायिक सौहर्द्र की
वो भावना क्यों खो रही है?
आपस में लिपटी जैतून की
दो पत्तियाँ दो पत्तियाँ क्यों रो रही हैं?

क्यों बारूद का काला धुंआ
रूक-रूक के गगन में उठता
और धुएँ का कालापन
सपने सबके लील जाता?
क्यों वो गोली सनसनाती
उद्विग्न छाती चीर जाती
प्रतिशोध की वो अग्नि-लौ
केवल मृत्यु को बुलाती
क्यों भुशुण्डीयों को थामे
हाथ वो न कॉप जाते
क्यों न होती नम वो आखें
क्यों न थमती क्रूर साँसे?

क्यों सुबह का उजाला
सैकड़ों की जान लेता
औ’ सुनहला दिन वो सारा
गम विरह में बीत जाता?

क्यों ये प्यारी रात सारी
त्रास और भय से गुजारी
और जीने की आस सारी
दुखित मन ने छोड़ डाली?

क्यों अन्याय का प्रतिशोध करने
दिल तो है चाहता
पर होठ थरथराता
औ’ दुख के मारे वाक्-तंतु फट सा जाता?

शुभ मनोरथ के वो मोती
पिरोता पर टूट जाते
हाय क्यों ऐसा ये होता?

दिल एक मानव का है रोता
अर्धमृत मानव के अंदर
जिजिविषा चीत्कार करती
क्यों न दूसरा ह्रदय फिर
दुःख समझता, दुःख को हारता?

क्यों दानवता यह कुरूप रूप
सबको दिखाती, सबको रुलाती
मनुजता कमज़ोर पड़कर
जाने कहा छुप-छुपाती?

पर वो दिखती हिम्मत जुटाकर
कभी गाँधी टेरेसा बनकर
और जब वो पाँव धरती
युग बदलती!

दुःख के बादल दूर करती
और सबके कष्ट हरती
सुख अमन फिर फ़ैल जाता
प्यार का फिर गुल खिलाती!
मिलने को उत्सुक भुजाएं
हाँ परस्पर लिपट जातीं
दुःख पुराने भूलकर
उस मिलन में खो सी जातीं|

 - सुमित प्रणव 
1 अक्टूबर 2000)
यह कविता मैंने १० वर्ष पूर्व लिखी थी, परन्तु आज के परिप्रेक्ष्य में भी यह उतनी ही प्रासंगिक है !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Piano stairs- Thinking new…


Monday, March 15, 2010

Google voice in your mobile browser


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reading XML with JQuery


Recently I learnt how to read XML with JQuery.

It’s really fun to read XML document and parse its nodes using JQuery.

Loading the XML doc is so easy:

type: "GET",
url: "sites.xml",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(xml) {



Finding a node is easy too:




Here you can read an excellent article to learn Reading XML with jQuery

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Using sqlcmd utility in SQL Server


sqlcmd is a utility that helps you fire SQL commands and operations via command prompt.

It can be used in case your machine has SSSM (SQL server management studio) or any other visual tool to manage databases are not installed.

The command to login to the SQL server instance installed is as follows:

For logging in using Windows credential

(Equivalent to SQL Server Trusted Connection or ‘Integrated Security = true’):

You should replace the <.\sqlexpress> with the instance name of your SQL server installation

sqlcmd -S .\sqlexpress –E


For Logging in Using SQL Server Login:

You should replace the <sa> with the user name and <system> with the password

sqlcmd -S .\sqlexpress –U sa –P system


To create a database

you can issue Create Database <database name>command like this:

sqlcmd create database MyDatabase1


To restore a database from a backup (.bak) file

you can issue following command:

Replace “MyDatabase1” with the name of the database you want to restore and the file path (within single inverted comma) with the full path of the .bak file.

the ‘with replace’ option replaces all old tables and data with the tables and data of the backup.

sqlcmd restore database MyDatabase1 from disk = 'c:\backup\MyDatabase1Backup.bak' with replace


Similarly other commands can be issued.


These are the few good references that helped me learn this:

SQL Command Utility  :

Restoring a database :

Introduction and Explanation to sqlcmd :

Interesting Observation – Using sqlcmd From SSMS Query Editor:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Read – The Death of Bunny Munro


The Death of Bunny Munro - Enhanced Edition Promo from Enhanced Editions on Vimeo.

The state of Internet- ever growing…


Friday, March 5, 2010

Yahoo! BrowserPlus An Excellent Browser Extension


BroswerPlus is an open source technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities. It exposes new functions to JavaScript that allow web applications to have secure access to desktop facilities. Web pages can interact with BrowserPlus through a set of APIs that work in all popular browsers..

Some ways you can use BrowserPlus today to enhance your own site include:

Advanced in-page uploads with multiple file select, mime-type filtering, multiple file or folder drop, and efficient uploads. A drop-in JS Library allows you to quickly add a skinnable advanced uploader to your page without modifying the server logic that accepts the POST.

Desktop notifications unobtrusively deliver updates to your users when their browser is minimized with native "growl style" alerts/toast on your desktop. External frameworks are not required. Integrate native notifications into your site in a couple lines of javascript.

Few Samples:

The BrowserPlus™ Advanced Uploader



Developer APIs

I build a small upload solution for one of my client. Working to evolve it more.

Yahoo YPatterns -A good Collection of Design Patterns


In previous few months Yahoo has done a wonderful job in the Design patterns standardization. YPatterns is a collection of all the popular design patterns used in the softwares, especially websites and web applications.

This repository of design patterns can be really helpful for software architects, UI Designers and web designers.

yahoo Design patterns

Visit this URL for seeing this Design Pattern library:

Embedding an audio file in a webpage- so easy!


The Yahoo! Media Player enhances your web site or blog by creating an embedded player for each audio link. All the links can be played with one click, turning the page into a playlist. This is done by adding our JavaScript to your page.

How Do I Get Started?
  1. Link to audio

    Insert one or more anchor elements containing the URL of an audio file into your web page. For example:

    <a href="example1.mp3">My first song</a>
    <a href="example2.mp3">My second song</a>

  2. Embed the Player

    Copy and paste this code into your page:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  3. Use the player

    This play button will appear next to each of your audio links: 

    Press a play button. The Yahoo! Media Player will open:

    For more detail check out this yahoo help: – Helps to manage all of your web commenting and discussions


I have started using recently and found it useful for other people as well who comment online

Disqus offers two services that help improve discussions on the web:

Disqus Comments is a comment system and moderation tool for your site. This service lets you add next-gen community management and social web integrations to any site on any platform.

Disqus Profile lets you get the most out of the comments you post on sites all around the web. Take back control of what you've written by tracking and managing your comments all in one place. You can also use Disqus Profile to effortless follow and reply to what people are talking about, on and across sites.

Read more about the concept and the features here :

Top five gadgets from Microsoft's research labs


Check out this!

Using the Dispatcher Timer


//In Dot Net Framework DispatcherTimer class is used to repeat some tasks after certain interval
//It is similar to the Timer Class used in VB 6
// Here we go
//Declare a DispatcherTimer Global Variable 
System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer myDispatcherTimer;

//setup the timer- Use this code within the class constructor or any suitable place

myDispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
myDispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 2000); // in MS
myDispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(Each_Tick);

// event handler- place this within a class

public void Each_Tick(object o, EventArgs sender)
// Code the things here that you want to happen after a certain duration


catch (Exception ex)